Boycott Islam

There is a clear war being waged to infiltrate, incubate, our western Judeo Christian countries by I9slamic organisations, individuals as well as states using different methods such as immigration, the passing of anti free speach bills in the UN, buying into our economy with petro dollars ect.

You can make a difference with your votes, your voice and the way you spend your hard earned cash.

1) Do not travel to Arab or Muslim countries

2) Do not buy Arab products or in the case of petrol reduce its consumption to the minimum, below the country codes to identify the origin of the products.

3) Do not employ illegal north African work force.

4) Denounce Illegal Immigrants.

5) Support Israel since they are the spear head in the fight against Islam.

6) Do not buy products or services from companies with Arab or Muslim investors.

7) Email the companies below to say that you are boycotting them.

Company Black List

Ferrari (Porsche is much better)
Sony (dieing company)
Daimler Chrysler (well we just bailed them out for the arabs)
Cirque du Soleil
Manchester United
General Electric
Alliance Medical
Mauser AG
Merlin Entertainments Group
Travelodge Hotels Ltd
Doncasters Group Ltd
The Tussauds Group
ICICI Bank Limited
KEF Holdings
True Group
Rivoli Group
Oger Telecom
Apple (nice design but way overpriced)
News corporation
First Boston
American International Group
Credit Suisse (Bunch of Nazi Bankers)
Hotel George V Hotel (Paris)
The Plaza Hotel (New York)
The Savoy Hotel (London)
Four seasons hotel
Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts AG (no value for money)
PepsiCo Inc
The Walt Disney Company
Hewlett-Packard Co.
(they love to sell you cheap printer and then fuck you on the ink)
Eastman Kodak Corporation (they still exist thought the digital era killed them)
eBay Inc. (hmm dont use them and sure there is substitute)
Motorola Inc. (yeah used to like them but must admit that there are other better alternatives)
Time Warner Inc.
Euro Disney SCA Inc